Sheep's new look Tale

Hola a todos! y Feliz Día de Reyes!!.

Hoy os traigo un cuento en inglés creado especialmente para trabajar con bits de inteligencia en educación infantil, ya sabéis que los bits son estímulos visuales que ayudan entre otras cosas a desarrollar la memoria,  aumentar el léxico, mejorar la capacidad de atención, etc. En este caso la temática trata de la granja y de como se obtiene la lana de las ovejas, de nuestra protagonista Sheep.

Sheep's new look Tale

Is a new day in happy farm.
All the animals open their arms.

The farmer start the day,
very happy as always.

He has to shear sheep's wool,
because now It is not cold.

It's the first time that Sheep is sheared,
for this reason she has fear.

After a while It has no wool,
Sheep has now a new look.

Sheep ask:''Where is my wool?!.
Can't understand why it was took.
In the farm she finds a duck:
-Dear Duck, Have you seen my wool?.

-Yes, it is in the water to be washed.

Sheep says: ''thank you'' to the duck and makes the same question to the hen.
-Dear Hen, Have you seen my wool?.

-Yes, it is in the tub to dye it blue.

Sheep says: ''thank you'' to the Hen and makes the same question to the Pig.
-Dear Pig, Have you seen my wool?.

-Yes, It is in the farmer's clothes basket, crawled up in a ball.

Sheep asks: ''Why it is in the clothes basquet, crawled up in a ball?.
-''Maybe farmer will make wool gloves'', says the duck.

-''Maybe farmer will make a scarf'', says the Hen.

-''Maybe farmer will make a wool cap'', says the Pig.
Sheep is happy now, 
her wool will make clothes be warmer. 

The End.


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